Families and couples are spending more time together than normal as the coronavirus has led many people to work from home, parents have no other option but to stay home with the children when daycares and schools have closed, or people are practicing social distancing.
For many, the extended contact with their significant other is eye-opening. You are discovering different sides of your significant other than you have likely never seen before. You may witness your significant other using a cringe-worthy work virus, or seeing your significant other’s poor work habits. Before you both were confined to home, you may have been impressed with your partner’s profession, now you’re embarrassed thinking about your partner at work. The growing list of your significant other’s annoyances continues to grow daily as you two are operating in constant close proximity for the foreseeable future. Stressors continue to escalate as the normal relationship balance is completely upended. For some, the coronavirus may lead people to the tipping point of ending their relationship.
Another outcome of the coronavirus, like many other periods of necessitated isolation and catastrophes, is an uptick in pregnancies. For example, there is a phenomenon of hurricane birth booms and blackout babies.
There is so much unknown and uncertainty surrounding the coronavirus. If you find yourself facing an anticipated impact of the coronavirus, whether it is a potential divorce or custody and parenting time matter, Howard Family Law, LLC is happy to help you navigate your next steps.