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Can Marriage Ruin a Relationship?

HuffPost recently published an article about why therapists suspect that some relationships soon end after marriage.

One therapist indicated that when couples are dating, they feel autonomous in their decisions and personal goals. Once couples are married, many feel they can no longer be autonomous in their decision-making. The thinking post-marriage shifts from what is best for me to what is best for us.

Another therapist stated that the concept of marriage as an institution makes some feel restricted. After vows, couples may feel more like they must make certain decisions for their marriage than before when they felt like they could make choices as they desired.

Sometimes, a therapist opined, couples are too comfortable in their marriage. Comfortable partners may not work on their relationship, so when unexpected events or incidents occur, the couple may not know how to respond to the unexpected together. Thus, insecurities may arise.

Another therapist has heard from couples that once they get married, their partner is a totally different person—than who they dated is not who they married.

If you’d like to read the article in more detail: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/marriage-ruin-relationships_l_5e3b0e6ac5b6b5fb438b99c2

Not all marriages ruin relationships. Marriages can work, but sometimes they don’t. If you feel like a dissolution of marriage or legal separation is best for your family, please feel free to contact Howard Family Law to see if we can help.


If you have questions related to a possible dissolution of marriage or legal separation, please do not hesitate to contact our office (952) 224-9410