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Pet Laws in Divorce: Another State Acknowledges Pets are More Than a Table

Illinois is joining Alaska in the acknowledgement that a divorcing couple’s pets mean more to them than a dining room table set.

Starting January 1, 2018, Illinois Judges will be able to look at which party is the better pet owner/parent when determining who should get an animal as party of a divorce. It will matter who walks the dog, feeds the dog, etc. Illinois is joining Alaska as the only other state that acknowledges that the family pet is not a piece of furniture but a meaningful part of the family.


In this writer’s opinion it is sad that the great State of Minnesota has to change its laws on this matter. As it stands currently, in a dissolution of marriage in Minnesota, your family pet will be treated like an items of personal property – like the dining room table. For animal lovers, that is heartbreaking. However, now that one more state is changing its views on the family pet in divorce, maybe Minnesota will soon as well.

If you have questions related to a possible dissolution of marriage, child custody questions, or parenting time concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our office (952) 224-9410